Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Richelle Dante

What a fun day we had in Fullerton! Richelle Dante ( is a fellow photographer and wanted some photos for her website. So off we went (had to do luch too, heehee) and we shot some photos of her. These are a couple of my favs. Hi Richelle!!!

1 comment:

Richelle Dante said...

Hey Pam,

I love the photos, they all turned out great! I just put one up on my website and also on my facebook. =)Thanks again and it was so fun meeting you!


About Me

My photo
I have been married to the same wonderful man for 33 years. We love to travel together and spend hours just talking. He enjoys my creative side and I lean on his intellectual side that kind of keeps life in balance. We are so happy in our marriage that it is just natural that we enjoy the wedding industry! Paula Vaughn is our other primary photographer and also our Daughter. She had been married for 5 years and loves to shoot weddings and portraits. All of us love to travel to destination weddings!
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