Life is too short...and shorter for some than others. A fellow photographer died this week trying to save a young church camp student from going over a waterfall just off of Lake Superior. Julie was so young and so talented. You can see her work on her website
http://www.juliesteiskal.com/. Make sure you read the "about a girl" section which says so much about who she is....I can't bring myself to say was yet.
Just to give you an insight into her mind this is a story that she wrote on the spur of the moment for one of our photographers forums.
"once upon a time, there was a little boy. this little boy loved water. he loved to splash in the bathtub. he loved to float in the lake. he loved how water felt when it ran over his hands from the faucet. but most of all, he loved to spin circles in the rain.
one day, he woke up to the sound of a rainstorm pattering the roof of his little house. overcome with joy at the possibility of playing in the rain, he jumped out of bed to put his shoes on. shoe one went on. laces got tied. but the little boy stood there, one shoe on, one shoe off, wondering where his other shoe could have gone. he looked under his bed. he looked in his bed. he looked in his closet. he looked under the cushion of the chair. he looked in the kitchen, under the sink and in the refrigerator. he looked on the bookshelf, he looked in the basket of blankets. the little boy could not find his shoe.so he asked his mom. he asked his dad. he asked his little sister and he peered deep in the eyes of his trusty dog. the shoe could not be found.
the little boy, distressed, sat down on the bottom stair. his lip started to quiver. he took a deep breath. a tear wavered at the edge of his left eye. and then it fell. and another one fell. and another.soon, so many tears were falling that the little boy couldn't count them anymore.he was trying so hard, that he didn't hear the sound of his father's footsteps coming through the living room toward the stairs. and he barely noticed being picked up and carried toward the door. and so many tears were falling, that he almost didn't notice when the rain joined in. but when he realized it, he looked at his father.and softly, his father said, I'll wear the shoes this time. and the tears of sadness turned to tears of joy as they danced in the rain."
A very missed friend, and lifestyle photographer.